Trip Cancellation
Travel Secure® Basic

The Trip Cancellation benefit will reimburse, up to the plan maximum, the amount of prepaid, non-refundable, cancellation charges imposed by the travel supplier if cancellation occurs before your scheduled departure date because of unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, death, strike, and weather. The plan will also reimburse reissue fees charged by the airline to retain your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase another airline ticket for your trip.

For complete information, see the Description of Coverage.

Travel Secure® Plus

The Trip Cancellation benefit will reimburse, up to the plan maximum, the amount of prepaid, non-refundable, cancellation charges imposed by the travel supplier if cancellation occurs before your scheduled departure date because of unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, death, strike, and weather. The plan will also reimburse reissue fees charged by the airline to retain your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase another airline ticket for your trip.

For complete information, see the Description of Coverage.

Travel Secure® Elite

The Trip Cancellation benefit will reimburse, up to the plan maximum, the amount of prepaid, non-refundable, cancellation charges imposed by the travel supplier if cancellation occurs before your scheduled departure date because of unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, death, strike, and weather. The plan will also reimburse reissue fees charged by the airline to retain your frequent flyer miles if not used to purchase another airline ticket for your trip.

For complete information, see the Description of Coverage.